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How to Find an Apartment or Home in Mérida Mexico

How to find an apartment or home in Merida, Mexico

So, you've decided to make the leap and move to Mérida, but you have no idea where to start when it comes to looking for an apartment or home in Mexico. On top of that, you realize that one semester of Spanish in 8th grade is not going to get you very far. No fret my friend, I've got you covered. This post will give you all the details on how to find a home or an apartment in Merida, Mexico. [spacer height="20px"] Step 1: Define Your Priorities Before diving into the rental market in Mérida, Mexico, take...

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The Best Co-Working Spaces in Mérida, Mexico

The Best Co-Working Spaces in Mérida, Mexico

Arriving to Mérida in January of 2019, co-working spaces were unheard of here. There were essentially none. However, more and more are popping up and, not only that, the young expat community in Mérida has grown as well (which was also none existent when I arrived). I've found my tribe of young, Black (M)expats who all either work for themselves or are working remotely, like myself, so we often get together for co-working sessions, bouncing ideas off each other and offering up ideas and suggestions on how to elevate our businesses. If you're in Mérida...

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Best Coffee Shops in Mérida Mexico for Digital Nomads

Best Coffee Shops in Mérida for Digital Nomads

I spend a lot of time in coffee shops. I mean, A LOT! Being a digital nomad, means I spend a lot of time behind the computer. It can be a very isolated world, so my way of being "social" is changing up my scenery, moving beyond the four walls of my apartment and setting up shop in a cute coffee shop. It's the perfect way to be around people, but not necessarily have to interact with them. I'm sure my fellow introverts can fully understand and appreciate this. With so much of my time...

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That one time I was almost attacked in Mexico

Notes from my phone February 7, 2020 I’d maintained my composure and kept my cool during the entire brief, but terrifying, experience. But as soon as I stepped into my apartment and the door closed behind me all composure was lost and hyperventilation set in. WHAT THE F*CK JUST HAPPENED?! I grappled with posting this, because I know that so many people fear traveling abroad or traveling solo because of their concern for safety. Posting this is like a big ol, “See! I told you. Traveling is not safe, so I'ma just sit right here and be content.” But,...

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Glamping in Mexico: A Luxury Camping Experience at Hameki

Glamping in Mexico: A Luxury Camping Experience at Hameki

Thrown to the wiles of the wilderness, left to forage for food and salvage whatever modesty you have left after popping a squat behind a tree. Ahh yes, the beauty of becoming one with nature on an adventurous camping experience. While that may be someone's idea of a good time, this wanderer prefers a little more comfort and modern conveniences. Don't get me wrong, I've been camping. Three times. It was fun and I'd absolutely do it again. But, if given the choice, sign me up for a luxurious glamping experience instead. If you're in...

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