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The Best Co-Working Spaces in Mérida, Mexico

The Best Co-Working Spaces in Mérida, Mexico

Arriving to Mérida in January of 2019, co-working spaces were unheard of here. There were essentially none. However, more and more are popping up and, not only that, the young expat community in Mérida has grown as well (which was also none existent when I arrived). I've found my tribe of young, Black (M)expats who all either work for themselves or are working remotely, like myself, so we often get together for co-working sessions, bouncing ideas off each other and offering up ideas and suggestions on how to elevate our businesses. If you're in Mérida...

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The Sh*t No One Tells You About Moving to Merida Mexico

Move to Mexico they said. It'll be fun they said. Your cup will runneth over with tequila and your belly will be full of tacos, they said. "They" made it seem as if moving to Mexico would be unabated paradisiacal bliss. But, what they don't tell you is, in Mérida, it is so hot it feels like you've climbed inside an incinerator, have been reduced to ash and then set on fire again. They also left out the part about how the mosquitos here will suck you dry for every drop of blood you own,...

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