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What’s in My Bag? The 5th Co. Essential

What's in My Bag? The 5th Co. Essential

I have been known to be a notorious overpacker, and when it has come to my everyday bag it's been no different. My parents used to teasingly ask, "What do you have in that suitcase?" (referring to my purse/bag), and to that I would respond, "My life, duh." I like being prepared. I mean, you just never know when you might need those pair of socks in your purse to double as gloves because it's the dead of winter and you forgot your real gloves at home. You were running late, didn't have time to let...

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The Accessory That Every Traveler Needs: The 5th Watch

Every traveler needs a good watch. Personally, my life revolves around constantly being in one place or another. I´m always on the go, and there´s always planes, trains, and other things to catch. Plus, since moving abroad I have definitely had to adjust my punctuality habits more like the lack thereof. So when I got the opportunity to collaborate with The 5th watch company  I was ecstatic. No more digging through my purse aka the abyss of random stuff looking for my phone to check the time. No more distractions when I pick up my phone, but end up on...

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